#30Key Findings
Poland is the SGI 2024’s worst performer (rank 30) in the category of sensemaking.
The Chancellery’s Government Center for Analysis has played a key role in foresight and strategic planning, providing critical analyses for public policies. Specialized bodies aligned with the PiS government’s ideology were established or reshaped to support policy formation. Strategic foresight and anticipatory innovation were not regarded as key skills for civil servants.
Regulatory impact assessments (RIAs) are mandatory in the Polish legislative process. However, although legal requirements were met under the PiS government, the use of consultative bodies under the PiS government was selective, and no independent body was tasked with assessing RIA quality.
Poland lacks a separate sustainable development strategy, and sustainability checks are not required in RIAs. Ex post evaluations of policies have been rare, with only 20 evaluations conducted in the 2022 – 2023 period.
The Chancellery’s Government Center for Analysis has played a key role in foresight and strategic planning, providing critical analyses for public policies. Specialized bodies aligned with the PiS government’s ideology were established or reshaped to support policy formation. Strategic foresight and anticipatory innovation were not regarded as key skills for civil servants.
Regulatory impact assessments (RIAs) are mandatory in the Polish legislative process. However, although legal requirements were met under the PiS government, the use of consultative bodies under the PiS government was selective, and no independent body was tasked with assessing RIA quality.
Poland lacks a separate sustainable development strategy, and sustainability checks are not required in RIAs. Ex post evaluations of policies have been rare, with only 20 evaluations conducted in the 2022 – 2023 period.
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To what extent can the central government foster the capacity for strategic foresight and anticipatory innovation within its organization?
The central government can foster the capacity for strategic foresight and anticipatory innovation within its organization.
Most of the time, the central government can foster the capacity for strategic foresight and anticipatory innovation within its organization.
The central government is rarely capable of fostering the capacity for strategic foresight and anticipatory innovation within its organization.
The central government is not capable of fostering the capacity for strategic foresight and anticipatory innovation within its organization.
The government’s strategic focus during Morawiecki’s first term as prime minister centered on sustaining and expanding its social base, with all crucial strategies adopted to reach the perspective of 2027 – 2030.
The Government Center for Analysis, housed within the Chancellery, was responsible for foresight and strategic planning. It provided analyses of critical public policies to various government entities. The departments of Strategic Studies, Analyses, and Regulatory Impact Assessment evaluated socioeconomic areas horizontally and strategically, analyzed public discourse, and assessed the functioning and efficiency of state structures. Their formal objectives included instilling a project-oriented culture in public administration and improving the efficiency of portfolio initiatives.
The conservative administration established or reshaped specialized bodies focused on opinion-forming, research, publishing, popularizing and disseminating best practices. These bodies included the Institute of Central Europe (2018), the Institute De Republica (2021), the Generation Institute (2021), the Institute of War Studies (2021), the Polish Economic Institute (2018) and the Institute of Justice (2016), in addition to existing institutes such as the Western Institute (1945) and the Institute of East-Central Studies (2011). Aligned with the government’s ideology, these organizations provided extensive analysis, training and coaching. They often received public financial support and contributed significantly to policy formation.
Under the Morawiecki government, digitalization of the public sphere was a priority. The prime minister established the GovTech Center, an interministerial team, to coordinate strategic digital projects across the public sector. The MeinTech initiative (2022) aimed to modernize the Polish education system, involving collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Science, the Educational Research Institute, the Information Technology Center for Education and Science, the Information Processing Center – State Research Institute, the Education Development Center, and the GovTech Center.
However, policy experimentation techniques, particularly in a human-centered direction, were employed to only a limited extent. Strategic foresight and anticipatory innovation were not consistently considered fundamental skills in recruiting and training high-level civil servants.
The Government Center for Analysis, housed within the Chancellery, was responsible for foresight and strategic planning. It provided analyses of critical public policies to various government entities. The departments of Strategic Studies, Analyses, and Regulatory Impact Assessment evaluated socioeconomic areas horizontally and strategically, analyzed public discourse, and assessed the functioning and efficiency of state structures. Their formal objectives included instilling a project-oriented culture in public administration and improving the efficiency of portfolio initiatives.
The conservative administration established or reshaped specialized bodies focused on opinion-forming, research, publishing, popularizing and disseminating best practices. These bodies included the Institute of Central Europe (2018), the Institute De Republica (2021), the Generation Institute (2021), the Institute of War Studies (2021), the Polish Economic Institute (2018) and the Institute of Justice (2016), in addition to existing institutes such as the Western Institute (1945) and the Institute of East-Central Studies (2011). Aligned with the government’s ideology, these organizations provided extensive analysis, training and coaching. They often received public financial support and contributed significantly to policy formation.
Under the Morawiecki government, digitalization of the public sphere was a priority. The prime minister established the GovTech Center, an interministerial team, to coordinate strategic digital projects across the public sector. The MeinTech initiative (2022) aimed to modernize the Polish education system, involving collaboration between the Ministry of Education and Science, the Educational Research Institute, the Information Technology Center for Education and Science, the Information Processing Center – State Research Institute, the Education Development Center, and the GovTech Center.
However, policy experimentation techniques, particularly in a human-centered direction, were employed to only a limited extent. Strategic foresight and anticipatory innovation were not consistently considered fundamental skills in recruiting and training high-level civil servants.
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To what extent does the government conduct high-quality impact assessments to evaluate the potential effects of prepared legislation before implementation?
The government draws on high-quality RIAs to assess the potential impact of prepared legislation before implementation.
In most cases, the government draws on high-quality RIAs to assess the potential impact of prepared legislation before implementation.
The government rarely draws on high-quality RIAs to assess the potential impact of prepared legislation before implementation.
The government does not draw on high-quality RIAs to assess the potential impact of prepared legislation before implementation.
Regulatory impact assessments (RIA) are well established in the Polish legislative process. Such evaluations are mandatory when developing draft normative acts including laws, normative acts of the Council of Ministers, regulations of the prime minister or other ministers, orders of the prime minister, and draft assumptions underlying legislative proposals. The Budget Act is an exception, for which a separate procedure for submission and adoption is accepted. The framework document is the “Guidelines for Impact Assessment and Public Consultations in the Government Legislative Process,” which was adopted by the Council of Ministers on May 5, 2015. The Government Legislative Center is responsible for overseeing the RIA process. Additionally, guidelines have been published on the governmental website providing instructions for entities conducting RIAs.
Draft regulations are to be accompanied by a justification and a standardized regulatory impact assessment that addresses financial impact, consultation results, examples of regulations in other countries and expected outcomes. All stages of the process are well described and published on the website. During public consultations, various stakeholders who can provide empirical information are engaged. Under the PiS government, although legal requirements were met, the selection of consultative bodies was selective. The Chancellery assessed the quality of individual RIAs, as there was no independent body responsible for this evaluation.
Draft regulations are to be accompanied by a justification and a standardized regulatory impact assessment that addresses financial impact, consultation results, examples of regulations in other countries and expected outcomes. All stages of the process are well described and published on the website. During public consultations, various stakeholders who can provide empirical information are engaged. Under the PiS government, although legal requirements were met, the selection of consultative bodies was selective. The Chancellery assessed the quality of individual RIAs, as there was no independent body responsible for this evaluation.
To what extent does the government effectively incorporate sustainability assessments within the framework of RIAs?
High-quality sustainability assessments are incorporated within regulatory impact assessments.
High-quality sustainability assessments are, for the most part, incorporated within regulatory impact assessments.
High-quality sustainability assessments are rarely incorporated within regulatory impact assessments.
Sustainability assessments are not incorporated within regulatory impact assessments.
In Poland, there is no separate sustainable development strategy. Formulated in 2017, the Responsible Development Strategy covered the period through 2020, with an outlook until 2030. The document serves as a framework for nine new sectoral strategies aligned with the 2030 National Environmental Policy (2030 NEP) set in 2019. These strategies include:
• The Strategy for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas, Agriculture and Fisheries, through 2030 (2019)
• The Sustainable Transport Development Strategy, through 2030 (2019)
• The National Strategy for Regional Development (2020)
• The Social Capital Development Strategy (2020)
• The Human Capital Development Strategy (2020)
• The Energy Policy of Poland until 2040 (2022)
• The Productivity Strategy (2022)
• The Strategy for Efficient and Modern State (not approved in 2023)
Most of these strategies reference the Sustainable Development Goals and adopt a long-term perspective looking through 2030. However, they do not include mechanisms for monitoring sustainability assessments. In general, sustainability checks are not legally required as part of RIAs.
• The Strategy for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas, Agriculture and Fisheries, through 2030 (2019)
• The Sustainable Transport Development Strategy, through 2030 (2019)
• The National Strategy for Regional Development (2020)
• The Social Capital Development Strategy (2020)
• The Human Capital Development Strategy (2020)
• The Energy Policy of Poland until 2040 (2022)
• The Productivity Strategy (2022)
• The Strategy for Efficient and Modern State (not approved in 2023)
Most of these strategies reference the Sustainable Development Goals and adopt a long-term perspective looking through 2030. However, they do not include mechanisms for monitoring sustainability assessments. In general, sustainability checks are not legally required as part of RIAs.
To what extent do government ministries utilize ex post evaluations to improve existing policies?
High-quality ex post evaluations serve as the basis for making adjustments to public policies.
High-quality ex post evaluations frequently serve as the basis for making adjustments to public policies.
High-quality ex post evaluations rarely serve as the basis for making adjustments to public policies.
High-quality ex post evaluations are not utilized to make adjustments to public policies.
Ex post evaluation of policies is prepared by the member of the Council of Ministers responsible for matters regulated by a specific normative act, if such evaluation is requested by the Council of Ministers or its auxiliary body. These members include the plenipotentiary of the prime minister – head of the Strategic Analysis Center, the ombudsman for small and medium-sized enterprises, or the president of the Government Legislation Center. Any member of the Council of Ministers can also prepare an ex post evaluation on their own initiative. The evaluation may concern a normative act or its parts. Before presenting, the minister may seek opinions from other bodies, institutions or organizations. The results are made public by the Government Legislation Center. This form of evaluation is not legally obligatory, and its scope is limited. Only 20 ex post evaluations were carried out in the 2022 – 2023 period (Rządowe Centrum Legislacji 2023).
Rządowe Centrum Legislacji. 2023. “OSR ex post.”
Rządowe Centrum Legislacji. 2023. “OSR ex post.”