Environmental Sustainability
#7Key Findings
Spain performs comparatively well (rank 7) in the category of environmental sustainability.
The Climate Change and Energy Transition Law sets national targets for 2030. These include a 20% reduction in greenhouse gases compared to 1990, 35% renewable energy use, and 70% renewable energy in the electrical system. The government also moved up its 2025 energy transition goals to 2023.
The country faces rising health risks from heat waves and disease due to climate change. An air quality action plan aims to reduce pollution-related mortality by monitoring high-traffic areas, especially near vulnerable locations like schools and hospitals.
A strategic biodiversity plan focusing on ecosystem conservation and restoration was passed in 2022. Land-use tensions sometimes create conflicts between the central and regional governments. The country has played a prominent role in international climate negotiations.
The Climate Change and Energy Transition Law sets national targets for 2030. These include a 20% reduction in greenhouse gases compared to 1990, 35% renewable energy use, and 70% renewable energy in the electrical system. The government also moved up its 2025 energy transition goals to 2023.
The country faces rising health risks from heat waves and disease due to climate change. An air quality action plan aims to reduce pollution-related mortality by monitoring high-traffic areas, especially near vulnerable locations like schools and hospitals.
A strategic biodiversity plan focusing on ecosystem conservation and restoration was passed in 2022. Land-use tensions sometimes create conflicts between the central and regional governments. The country has played a prominent role in international climate negotiations.
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How committed is the government to the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050?
The government is clearly committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2050.
The government is largely committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2050.
The government is only somewhat committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2050.
The government is not at all committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2050.
The current government strategy for climate transition is composed of three main guiding tools.
In May 2021, the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law was passed. This law establishes the minimum national targets for the year 2030:
- A reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 20% compared with 1990
- A renewable energy share of at least 35% in final energy consumption
- An electrical system in which at least 70% of the energy comes from renewables
- A reduction in primary energy consumption of at least 35%
The law establishes that the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change 2021–2023, which aims to coordinate government actions against climate change, should be implemented through a specific work program. The Ministry for Ecological Transition collaborates with other ministerial departments and autonomous communities to produce reports at least every five years. These reports detail the progression of climate change impacts and risks, as well as policies and measures to enhance resilience and mitigate vulnerability. The work program for 2026–2030 will be formulated based on these reports.
Law 7/2021 establishes the Committee of Experts on Climate Change and Energy Transition, an advisory body tasked with preparing an annual report to be submitted to and discussed in parliament. However, the committee has not yet been established. Several autonomous communities have created their own Committees of Experts.
The Spanish Climate Change Office within the Ministry for Ecological Transition is responsible for promoting daily assessments related to climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation. The work program includes several indicators to monitor and evaluate progress. For instance, the integration of climate change into the Strategic Plan for Health and Environment includes an indicator requiring the approval of a Strategic Plan that outlines objectives and actions to prevent climate change impacts on human health.
In 2021, the government adopted several sector-specific action plans in line with the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law, including the Circular Economy Strategy, the Green Infrastructure Strategy, and a new hydrological planning cycle. Within the RRP, the government moved its 2025 energy transition targets forward to 2023 and increased investments in renewable energy, ecosystem and biodiversity protection, housing stock renewal, and electric mobility infrastructure.
In recent years, the government has oriented all public policies to align with its main climate action objectives. However, some subsidies, such as those for fuels, have been counterproductive. The Green Public Procurement Plan was approved in 2018, and similar plans have been adopted by autonomous communities. The Quality of Architecture Act, adopted in 2022, supports a new energy and ecological transition model promoting greater inclusion and social cohesion.
Regarding courts’ review of climate targets, in July 2023, Spain’s Supreme Court ruled in favor of the government in the country’s first climate litigation case. Environmentalists, including Greenpeace, Ecologistas en Acción, and Oxfam Intermón, had sued the government, arguing that its targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions were not ambitious enough. The court determined that the state’s climate plan fulfills its commitments as an EU member.
The governance of climate change involves different responsibilities across various levels. While central government ministries do not intervene at lower political levels, national legislation is obligatory for other administrations. Law 7/2021 established a framework providing some flexibility for autonomous communities. Conflicts exist in areas such as land management (managed by autonomous communities) and water use (central state responsibility).
Poder Judicial. 2023. “Noticias, 27 de julio de 2023.” https://www.poderjudicial.es/cgpj/es/Poder-Judicial/Tribunal-Supremo/Noticias-Judiciales/El-Tribunal-Supremo-desestima-el-recurso-de-varias-organizaciones-ecologistas-contra-el-Plan-Nacional-de-Energia-y-Clima-2021-2030
Law 9/2022 of 14 June, Calidad de la Arquitectura
Gobierno de España. 2021. Law 7/2021, de 20 de mayo, de cambio climático y transición energética.
Gobierno de España. 2020. Plan Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático 2021-2030.
Gobierno de España. 2020. Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima 2021-2030.
Gobierno de España. 2021. “Programa de Trabajo 2021-2025 del PNACC.” https://www.miteco.gob.es/content/dam/miteco/es/cambio-climatico/temas/impactos-vulnerabilidad-y-adaptacion/PT1-PNACC.pdf
In May 2021, the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law was passed. This law establishes the minimum national targets for the year 2030:
- A reduction of greenhouse gases by at least 20% compared with 1990
- A renewable energy share of at least 35% in final energy consumption
- An electrical system in which at least 70% of the energy comes from renewables
- A reduction in primary energy consumption of at least 35%
The law establishes that the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change 2021–2023, which aims to coordinate government actions against climate change, should be implemented through a specific work program. The Ministry for Ecological Transition collaborates with other ministerial departments and autonomous communities to produce reports at least every five years. These reports detail the progression of climate change impacts and risks, as well as policies and measures to enhance resilience and mitigate vulnerability. The work program for 2026–2030 will be formulated based on these reports.
Law 7/2021 establishes the Committee of Experts on Climate Change and Energy Transition, an advisory body tasked with preparing an annual report to be submitted to and discussed in parliament. However, the committee has not yet been established. Several autonomous communities have created their own Committees of Experts.
The Spanish Climate Change Office within the Ministry for Ecological Transition is responsible for promoting daily assessments related to climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation. The work program includes several indicators to monitor and evaluate progress. For instance, the integration of climate change into the Strategic Plan for Health and Environment includes an indicator requiring the approval of a Strategic Plan that outlines objectives and actions to prevent climate change impacts on human health.
In 2021, the government adopted several sector-specific action plans in line with the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law, including the Circular Economy Strategy, the Green Infrastructure Strategy, and a new hydrological planning cycle. Within the RRP, the government moved its 2025 energy transition targets forward to 2023 and increased investments in renewable energy, ecosystem and biodiversity protection, housing stock renewal, and electric mobility infrastructure.
In recent years, the government has oriented all public policies to align with its main climate action objectives. However, some subsidies, such as those for fuels, have been counterproductive. The Green Public Procurement Plan was approved in 2018, and similar plans have been adopted by autonomous communities. The Quality of Architecture Act, adopted in 2022, supports a new energy and ecological transition model promoting greater inclusion and social cohesion.
Regarding courts’ review of climate targets, in July 2023, Spain’s Supreme Court ruled in favor of the government in the country’s first climate litigation case. Environmentalists, including Greenpeace, Ecologistas en Acción, and Oxfam Intermón, had sued the government, arguing that its targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions were not ambitious enough. The court determined that the state’s climate plan fulfills its commitments as an EU member.
The governance of climate change involves different responsibilities across various levels. While central government ministries do not intervene at lower political levels, national legislation is obligatory for other administrations. Law 7/2021 established a framework providing some flexibility for autonomous communities. Conflicts exist in areas such as land management (managed by autonomous communities) and water use (central state responsibility).
Poder Judicial. 2023. “Noticias, 27 de julio de 2023.” https://www.poderjudicial.es/cgpj/es/Poder-Judicial/Tribunal-Supremo/Noticias-Judiciales/El-Tribunal-Supremo-desestima-el-recurso-de-varias-organizaciones-ecologistas-contra-el-Plan-Nacional-de-Energia-y-Clima-2021-2030
Law 9/2022 of 14 June, Calidad de la Arquitectura
Gobierno de España. 2021. Law 7/2021, de 20 de mayo, de cambio climático y transición energética.
Gobierno de España. 2020. Plan Nacional de Adaptación al Cambio Climático 2021-2030.
Gobierno de España. 2020. Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima 2021-2030.
Gobierno de España. 2021. “Programa de Trabajo 2021-2025 del PNACC.” https://www.miteco.gob.es/content/dam/miteco/es/cambio-climatico/temas/impactos-vulnerabilidad-y-adaptacion/PT1-PNACC.pdf
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How committed is the government to protecting the public from environmental health risks?
The government is clearly committed to the goal of protecting environmental health.
The government is largely committed to the goal of protecting environmental health.
The government is only somewhat committed to the goal of protecting environmental health.
The government is not at all committed to the goal of protecting environmental health.
Spain anticipates an increase in morbidity and mortality due to heat waves, which, as a result of climate change, are projected to become more frequent, intense, and prolonged in the coming decades. Another concern is the risk associated with the spread of established or new disease vectors.
In 2021, the government adopted the Strategic Plan for Health and Environment 2022–2025. This plan outlines 14 comprehensive thematic areas, including “climate change,” “air quality,” “extreme temperatures,” and “disease vectors.”
For instance, the action plan for “air quality” aims to reduce mortality and morbidity attributable to air pollution, in line with the National Climate Plan’s goals. Actions include monitoring air quality in high-traffic areas, especially near schools, playgrounds, and healthcare facilities.
The plan includes several indicators to measure specific outcomes. A Monitoring Commission will oversee the development and management of the strategic plan and publish an annual report assessing compliance with the proposed actions in each thematic area. However, no progress report has been published thus far.
Policy implementation is not delegated to bureaucracies and executive agencies. The national plan serves as an umbrella for the actions of the autonomous communities, which must provide data to the central government for monitoring. Many autonomous communities already have their own Environmental Health Protection Plans and significant experience in integrated health impact assessments within Environmental Impact Assessments, although methodologies vary widely. The central government aims to enhance cooperation with the autonomous communities.
In recent years, the government has aligned all public policies with its primary climate action objectives. However, some subsidies, such as those for fuels, have been counterproductive.
In 2021, the government adopted the Strategic Plan for Health and Environment 2022–2025. This plan outlines 14 comprehensive thematic areas, including “climate change,” “air quality,” “extreme temperatures,” and “disease vectors.”
For instance, the action plan for “air quality” aims to reduce mortality and morbidity attributable to air pollution, in line with the National Climate Plan’s goals. Actions include monitoring air quality in high-traffic areas, especially near schools, playgrounds, and healthcare facilities.
The plan includes several indicators to measure specific outcomes. A Monitoring Commission will oversee the development and management of the strategic plan and publish an annual report assessing compliance with the proposed actions in each thematic area. However, no progress report has been published thus far.
Policy implementation is not delegated to bureaucracies and executive agencies. The national plan serves as an umbrella for the actions of the autonomous communities, which must provide data to the central government for monitoring. Many autonomous communities already have their own Environmental Health Protection Plans and significant experience in integrated health impact assessments within Environmental Impact Assessments, although methodologies vary widely. The central government aims to enhance cooperation with the autonomous communities.
In recent years, the government has aligned all public policies with its primary climate action objectives. However, some subsidies, such as those for fuels, have been counterproductive.
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How committed is the government to preserving ecosystems and protecting biodiversity?
The government is clearly committed to protecting ecosystems and biodiversity.
The government is largely committed to protecting ecosystems and biodiversity.
The government is only somewhat committed to protecting ecosystems and biodiversity.
The government is not at all committed to protecting ecosystems and biodiversity.
In December 2022, the government approved the Strategic Plan for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity through 2030 (Royal Decree Law 1057/2022, de 27 de diciembre), developing and updating the main guidelines established by Law 42/2007. The strategic plan provides a framework for promoting the protection and conservation of terrestrial and marine biodiversity, as well as the restoration and recovery of ecosystems. The RRP includes two packages of direct support for investments in ecosystem and biodiversity preservation, with an initial estimated budget through 2025 of €1.6 billion.
The plan aligns with other national strategies, such as the Spain Circular Strategy 2030, EU legislation, and international commitments. The overall strategy is broken down into individual action plans, including Knowledge on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, Nature Protection and Conservation, and Ecosystem Restoration, targeting ecosystems in the air, water, and land.
According to the decree, evaluation reports should align, as far as possible, with the deadlines for national sexennial reports sent to the European Commission under the Nature Directives. An interim monitoring and evaluation report is expected in the first half of 2026. Although specific steps to expand and improve the indicators are not mentioned, the law allows for amendments to ensure the plan’s content remains appropriate for achieving national objectives. A review of the State Council for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity will be conducted before 2024.
One specific development of this plan is the Strategy for Biodiversity and Science (2023–2027), which outlines actions to enhance scientific contributions to policymaking on this topic.
While the central government intends to improve cooperation with the autonomous communities, conflicts sometimes arise. For instance, in spring 2023, the Andalusian government planned to reclassify some lands in Doñana Park to favor agricultural water use. This conflict was eventually resolved through an agreement between the central and regional governments.
Ministry of Science. 2022. “Strategy of Biodiversity and Science 2023-2027.”
The plan aligns with other national strategies, such as the Spain Circular Strategy 2030, EU legislation, and international commitments. The overall strategy is broken down into individual action plans, including Knowledge on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, Nature Protection and Conservation, and Ecosystem Restoration, targeting ecosystems in the air, water, and land.
According to the decree, evaluation reports should align, as far as possible, with the deadlines for national sexennial reports sent to the European Commission under the Nature Directives. An interim monitoring and evaluation report is expected in the first half of 2026. Although specific steps to expand and improve the indicators are not mentioned, the law allows for amendments to ensure the plan’s content remains appropriate for achieving national objectives. A review of the State Council for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity will be conducted before 2024.
One specific development of this plan is the Strategy for Biodiversity and Science (2023–2027), which outlines actions to enhance scientific contributions to policymaking on this topic.
While the central government intends to improve cooperation with the autonomous communities, conflicts sometimes arise. For instance, in spring 2023, the Andalusian government planned to reclassify some lands in Doñana Park to favor agricultural water use. This conflict was eventually resolved through an agreement between the central and regional governments.
Ministry of Science. 2022. “Strategy of Biodiversity and Science 2023-2027.”
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To what extent is the government committed and credible in designing and promoting global environmental protection regimes and policies?
Government policy and institutions are fully aligned with efforts to achieve global environmental sustainability.
Government policy and institutions are largely aligned with efforts to achieve global environmental sustainability.
Government policy and institutions are somewhat aligned with efforts to achieve global environmental sustainability.
Government policy and institutions are not at all aligned with efforts to achieve global environmental sustainability.
In 2021, the Office for Humanitarian Action and Environment and Climate of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) published a guide to integrate environmental protection into humanitarian action and emergencies. Law 1/2023 further strengthens this focus on environmental protection in development cooperation. However, the new director plan, which should outline a roadmap with specific targets, has yet to be published, and the Spanish Cooperation Evaluation Office has not been established. During the Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union, the government successfully negotiated at COP 28 for increased climate finance and progress in the global green transition. During this period, Teresa Ribera, the Minister for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, emerged as an international leader in climate change, enhancing the influence of Spanish policy actions at the European and global levels.
Tender and procurement processes for Spanish cooperation are open to the private sector and other actors, such as non-governmental development organizations (NGDOs). These processes must include social, environmental, and human rights aspects in the technical specifications, award criteria, and special execution conditions, in accordance with Law 9/2017 of November 8 on Public Sector Contracts.
Law 1/2023 emphasizes policy coherence for sustainable development as a fundamental principle. The objectives of sustainable development cooperation will be integrated into all internal and external policies, working with autonomous communities, local authorities, the European Union, and international organizations, while respecting the competences and capacities of each actor.
According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Spain has implemented several capacity-building initiatives as essential components of mitigation and adaptation projects. These efforts ensure successful and effective implementation and sustainability, with a total of 57 projects reported.
UN. 2023. “Implementation of the Framework for Capacity-Building in Developing Countries.” 23 March 2023.
Reuters. 2023. “EU Braces for Possible Loss of Two Climate Change Leaders.” July 24.
Tender and procurement processes for Spanish cooperation are open to the private sector and other actors, such as non-governmental development organizations (NGDOs). These processes must include social, environmental, and human rights aspects in the technical specifications, award criteria, and special execution conditions, in accordance with Law 9/2017 of November 8 on Public Sector Contracts.
Law 1/2023 emphasizes policy coherence for sustainable development as a fundamental principle. The objectives of sustainable development cooperation will be integrated into all internal and external policies, working with autonomous communities, local authorities, the European Union, and international organizations, while respecting the competences and capacities of each actor.
According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Spain has implemented several capacity-building initiatives as essential components of mitigation and adaptation projects. These efforts ensure successful and effective implementation and sustainability, with a total of 57 projects reported.
UN. 2023. “Implementation of the Framework for Capacity-Building in Developing Countries.” 23 March 2023.
Reuters. 2023. “EU Braces for Possible Loss of Two Climate Change Leaders.” July 24.